Case Study - The Scarpetta Group

Why a VA?

Joe explained that a colleague and friend had been trying to help him for some time in realising that he was doing far too much of the work himself for The Scarpetta Group and Jarvis CRM. Joe soon decided he needed to delegate and let go of some of the things that it was unnecessary to be doing himself, and those tasks were plentiful.


The Scarpetta Group had a social media presence, but Joe felt they needed to gain more visibility and traction to improve lead generation, so this was the first port of call when he came to Joanne.

About The Scarpetta Group

The Scarpetta Group are a world-wide team of passionate FileMaker Developers with incredible skills. The Scarpetta Group has over 20 years of experience helping companies and organisations innovate using FileMaker to make their operations more profitable. They work with clients in a variety of industries, including insurance, training, creative, government, education, and healthcare. They have also created an award-winning FileMaker-based CRM that’s being widely used and customised as the foundation of many CRM and CRM/ERP combination systems.


We spoke to CEO and Owner, Joe Scarpetta, to get his take on what support and solutions Joanne Manville Virtual Assistance provides to his successful business, and why having this support is vital.

“Knowing I’m going into meetings with Joanne or another member of the team and that I’ll be greeted with a smile and a positive attitude is really something. I leave knowing everything is being handled and that’s such a weight off for me. I’d recommend Joanne and the team without hesitation.”

“With the support of Joanne and the JMVA team, we’ve been able to focus on more than one key area at a time. As the business keeps growing, there are more and more activities I can pass to Joanne and the team. This clears my desk and allows me the time and headspace to focus on business development and revenue generating tasks.”

“Time-management and delegation were fast becoming an absolute necessity, trying to fit everything in while running a business was impossible, and the more we grew as a company, the more tasks were being deprioritised. “

The benefits

As time has gone on, Joe now relies on JMVA to create and schedule social media, generate ideas for and write monthly blogs and newsletters, as well as marketing strategy and planning for the coming months. Joe said he is impressed with the fact there is always someone on the team to help, no matter what his next big idea is. The team are proactive and anticipate future needs, meaning Joe can have peace of mind knowing that all things are being considered.


“With the team looking after the social media and blogs, it really takes a lot of pressure off of myself and the team here. I get emails from clients telling me they love the post or blog, so the feedback is great. We have plenty of ideas, but the fact Joanne’s team are capable of generating ideas as well as writing the content and designing and writing social media posts is fantastic.”

Adding value

The social media and blogs provided have resulted in more leads for Jarvis CRM as well as some great feedback from clients and friendly competitors. Visibility has increased and the team continue to work on and adjust the social media in line with the latest trends and tips.


Joe wasn’t sure what to expect when he first came to JMVA for solutions as he’d not worked with a VA team before, but he has been continually impressed with the exceptional communication and attention to detail, problem solving and ideas generation, and just how proactive the team are.


Being listened to is extremely important and Joe feels the team not only listen but are personable and great to work with.

Why Us

Prior to working with Joanne Manville Virtual Assistance, The Scarpetta Group didn’t have any specific admin processes in place, but with an ever-growing to-do list, Joe knew he needed to hire some help.


Joe was referred to Joanne Manville Virtual Assistance by a current client of Joanne’s, and Joe says he’s never looked back. The trust that Joe has in Joanne and the team is a huge factor for him, and he knows he’s in safe hands.


There are only so many hours in a day and Joe felt he wasn’t utilising his time to its full potential with revenue generating tasks and serving his already loyal customer base.

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